
News Flash 7.2016 – Research Results (UpToDate July 2016)

*IVF and risk of breast cancer
In a study of over 19,000 women undergoing IVF treatment between 1983 and 1995 and followed for a median of 21 years, the risk of breast cancer was similar to that of the general population.
(However, it is a bit difficult to generalize these data among women undergoing contemporary IVF treatment, since drug regimens have changed over time and improved success rates have reduced the number of drug cycles to which women are exposed)
*Duration of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer
Data from a clinical trial demonstrated that for postmenopausal women receiving adjuvant treatment with an Aromatase Inhibitor, a longer course of treatment reduces breast cancer recurrence: among 1,900 postmenopausal women, those who had completed 10 years of therapy had a lower risk of breast cancer recurrence compared to those who completed 5 years (which is the standard duration of therapy). However, bone-related toxic effects were more frequent among those receiving extended treatment. 
Based on these results, the researchers recommend extending Aromatase Inhibitors adjuvant therapy to 10 years, while emphasizing that the decision should be made individually for each woman in accordance with her breast cancer risk recurrence.

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